Cordyceps A Wild Mushroom Boost Energy and Endurance

Cordyceps A Wild Mushroom Boost Energy and Endurance

Did You Know…a rare, wild Chinese mushroom that grows on caterpillar larvae and other insects has been widely used in Chinese medicine for its amazing medicinal properties— from cancer prevention and treatment to athletic enhancement?
Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis, Sphaeria sinensis) grows primarily in the mountains of Tibet, where dedicated hunters scour the slopes to find this prized fungi. Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat a number of ailments, cordyceps is especially intriguing to modern medical researchers for its ability to inhibit the growth, division, and proliferation of cancer cells in the body

An Energy Supplement Fit for an Olympian

If you’re a close follower of the Olympic games, cordyceps may ring a bell for you. At the 1993 games, 3 female Chinese runners broke 5 world records. Predictably, the officials insisted on testing the runners for anabolic steroids, but the results proved negative. The women had ingested absolutely nothing illegal—the only performance booster they used was cordyceps.
This incident spurred talk of banning cordyceps in professional athletic competitions due to its tremendous effects. But the U.S. Olympic Committee has officially ruled cordyceps to be legal on the basis of its strong safety record and outstanding health benefits. Many successful endurance athletes now use cordyceps routinely—including, it is believed, Lance Armstrong’s Team Postal during their record-breaking 7 Tour De France wins.
Scientists aren’t certain how the benefits of cordyceps boosts energy and endurance. One theory is that the mushroom streamlines your body’s energy use by increasing blood flow to your liver and other organs, and thus improving your overall oxygen use. Additionally, the mushroom’s antioxidant activity is thought to lift fatigue and maximize stamina.

Thousand years of mother nature's gift

- Formulated from a precious mushroom known as Cordyceps sinensis.
- Found naturally in the highlands of China, Tibet and Nepal. 
- Cultivated under stringent quality control and tested at the DXN Farm and Factory, which controls production from cultivation to finished goods. 
- Suitable for all ages.

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Underground health reporter


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